
Xantha Jane Willowmoore


Muggle Art School Drop-out
Professional Dancer

"I'm really more of a dancer."

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Xantha Jane Willowmoore

Post by Xantha Jane Willowmoore on Jan 11, 2022 21:10:53 GMT



Xantha Jane Willowmoore

[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+WE CAN DANCE UNTIL WE DIE





AGE 20

DOB April 1st, 2022

SEXUALITY bisexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE Muggle Schooling

JOB Professional Dancer

Played by Seph

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ motived[break]
+ determined[break]
+ passionate[break]
+ loving[break]
+ open-minded[break]
+ creative[break]
+ resourceful[break]
+ giving[break]
+ warm

- cynical[break]
- stubborn[break]
- headstrong[break]
- guarded[break]
- distrustful[break]
- sarcastic[break]
- holds grudges[break]
- resentful[break]
- closed off

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Xantha was born and raised in London by her mother and father. Her father was close to his brother and always told little Xantha how he'd been special and gone to boarding school in Scotland. When she was young, Xantha was impressed. Her uncle had been very talented, obviously. As she got older she was sceptic since it never got mentioned what his special talents were and he was never around anyway. He probably had some sort of problem going on that led him to boarding school.[break][break]

Yet this early talk of her very impressive Uncle had made little Xantha determined to also get to a special school. She worked hard when she found her passion in dancing and she was good. She progressed and found herself dancing better than any in her class. Hard work and hours upon hours of practise certainly got her places.[break][break]

Her first boyfriend came at the age of fourteen. A boy in her class, Desmond. They had seemed happy and Xantha thought she had everything figured out, until she caught Desmond sneaking around with another girl. She was heartbroken but her father comforted her and everything was okay again.[break][break]

When Xantha was fifteen her neighbours died in mysterious circumstances and their very ugly cat Spot (actually a kneazle) decided to come live with Xantha. He loved the family and protected their house. All was well. Strange people stopped by, but were often persuaded to leave by her father. Everything was clearly okay.[break][break]

Six weeks later she caught her father sleeping with another woman. She doesn't remember anything other than that and is glad the visual is not burned in her minds eye. Her father and mother fought and her dad left. He never came back or let anything slip. Spot had been a little strange around her father though, very aggressive. Spot was a very clever cat that had clearly noticed something was off.[break][break]

It was a difficult time but Xantha struggled through it. She grew up and lived with her mother (while her little brother lived with her father) for two splendid years before her mother got diagnosed with a terminal illness. She would no longer be able to take care of her and so they wrote her father. Since Xantha was already off age (except she was 17 and not actually of age yet) she was to find her own way. Xantha was furious as this meant her father couldn't even get her birth year right after being gone for a mere two years![break][break]

She left home with nothing but a backpack and ambition, assuring her mother she'd found a place. Mostly couch surfing with friends while she got her finances in order. In reality she started squatting and buying spray cans to decorate London when not doing auditions in hopes of one day making it big and getting a lead in a dance production. [break][break]

From age 17 to 19 she lived on the streets, until she finally managed to land herself a job in the ensemble of a larger production, leading to a large enough income to afford a small run down flat in a bad neighbourhood. She also bonded with a famous musician she accidentally kept running into. They nicknamed one another Agent X and Agent E, as their encounters always seemed to be nearly like a spy movie plot to them.[break][break]

During the time in her new flat she ended up in an altercation with her neighbour (which involved a kitchen knife ending up embedded in her body). The police officer that responded to the alarm raised by the neighbours was none other than her estranged father that had recently moved back to London. They decided to... attempt to reconnect.[break][break]

Just days after her 20th birthday, her mother passed away at last. Xantha sought comfort in her famous friend. He was rich and spoiled beyond reason, with a vampire stage persona. Weird, but she'd seen a lot stranger things living on the street. Being afraid of commitment, she never allowed herself to realise she'd fallen in love with him. Since he was a bit of a playboy it was easy for her to believe that he was safe to play with, as he simply couldn't love her. [break][break]

A few months later she accidentally discovered magic as she met one of his school friends and he presumed she knew about Hogwarts because her little brother went there. He ended up showing her magic that she'd been denying for almost all her life and broke through the barrier of denial she'd built up around herself. She realised her friend was not just delusional but actually a vampire. Out of fear that he'd break her heart, she distanced herself from him. [break][break]

It was at this point he disappeared for months. She didn't hear anything, until she found out that he was in rehab for a serious set back in various addictions. While she was not allowed to see him, it didn't stop her from trying. Now she eagerly awaits his return, as she realises that staying away from him won't make her love him less. It just breaks her heart.[break][break]

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE DOVE CAMERON


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Last Edit: Jan 12, 2022 18:32:48 GMT by Founder Seph


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