
Roxanne Weasley

I have nothing to say.

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Post by Deleted on Jan 25, 2022 8:30:16 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+ i consider it a challenge before the human race and i ain't gonna lose




BLOOD STATUS half-blood

AGE 18

DOB June 21, 2003

SEXUALITY bisexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE Hogwarts - Gryffindor

JOB Seeker for Holyhead Harpies

Played by RoadRoo

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ adventurous[break]
+ athletic[break]
+ daring[break]
+ flexible (both physically and emotionally)[break]
+ humorous[break]
+ resourceful[break]
+ team-player

- inappropriately timed pranks[break]
- prone to extreme ambition[break]
- reactive[break]
- competitive[break]
- fears swimming[break]
- superstitious (for her games)[break]
- overly pragmatic

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

The childhood of little Roxxi was an interesting one; she grew up in a world of magical practical jokes and helping her Daddy and Uncle in the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes shop. When she wasn't there, she was joining her mother and brother on the Quidditch pitch as her mother enjoyed the great prestige of being a part of the Welsh National Team as a chaser, as well as with the Holyhead Harpies. If she wasn't able to be in either of those two places then Roxxi was with one of her numerous aunts and uncles and their kids. There was never any rest in the life of a Weasley.[break][break]

At Hogwarts, it took Roxxi some time to settle down to the more relaxed pace of school. She continued her father's grand tradition of getting in trouble more often than not. As ever, it was always in good fun. In her third year, Roxanne became the seeker for Gryffindor and spent every possible moment practicing for the role, determined to be a better quidditch player than her parents or her uncle Harry and aunty Ginny. As much as she loved them, she wasn't always so fond of being in their shadow.[break][break]

In her seventh year, Roxanne was offered a position on the Holyhead Harpies team the moment that she graduated and she gladly took it up - their seeker had to go on maternity leave. For the past year, Roxanne has been training hard and enjoyed quite a successful debut season having won more of her games than she's lost. The papers are calling her a natural and there's speculation that she'll be offered the position over the other player next season. Roxanne certainly hopes so.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE NATHALIE EMMANUEL


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Last Edit: Jan 25, 2022 8:31:27 GMT by Deleted


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