
Don't be busy, be productive [Dominique]

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Post by Deleted on Jan 26, 2022 10:13:02 GMT

The game over the last weekend had been... a rough match. There were hailstones almost as big as Roxanne's fists that she had had to navigate whilst searching for the snitch. Despite the charms and padding on her uniform, Roxanne had several bruises over her body and she felt just generally... shit. The team healers had helped a lot but she'd realised that her little apartment in Holyhead had been woefully understocked in the good potions for just in case.

What better reason to go and visit a cousin at work? Well, probably a better reason would be just to catch up with the young potioneer without having a task to complete but... Roxanne reasoned her cousin would understand that she was a very busy woman. With her hair partially tied back because the wind was a nightmare today, Roxanne entered the apothecary that Dominique worked at with two coffees in hand. She'd stopped off at Jumbo Java before apparating with special travel mugs that ensured it didn't spill all over her. "Hello? Dom? I brought coffee!" she called out as she awkwardly took off her coat to hang near the entrance. She planned to be here for a little while and it was warm enough inside after all.


Ravenclaw Alumna
1/8th Veela
Potioneer at J. Pippins Potions & Apothecary

I Got Bored With Classical Latin

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Dominique Weasley

Post by Dominique Weasley on Jan 27, 2022 0:31:41 GMT

Dom heard her name being called from the front of the store and poked her head around to see her cousin carrying a coffee. And she was fairly sure she heard angels singing. “You’re actually the best.” she admitted with an easy smile as she nodded to the worker behind the counter and walked around it to greet Roxanne. Her day had been just awful so far. Someone had left a potion brewing overnight, which was fine, but they hadn’t turned down the heat and when she got there that morning it was scorched. It wouldn’t have been a big deal if she had the ingredients to remake it, however, one of them was rare enough that she had to ask one of the shopkeepers to attempt to track one down. And she was still scraping the green goo out of the cauldron. But the surprise visit from her cousin was already turning it right around. “How are you? I heard about this weeked…” she admitted through an unpleasant look. The weather was just awful and she heard the reports of players being injured by it.


I have nothing to say.

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Post by Deleted on Jan 30, 2022 11:32:23 GMT

"Oh, I know - it's plastered all over the Daily Prophet on the weekends usually too," Roxanne replied to her cousin's generous claim that Roxanne was the best. Of course, she stuck her tongue out a little to show that she was 100% joking and hadn't truly lost her humility with her success. She popped the coffees on the counter as Dominique worked her way around the counter so she could wrap her in a tender embrace.

"Oh Merlin this weekend was rough. Have you ever tried to find a small golden flying ball while dodging ice the same size if not bigger?" Roxanne exhaled sharply, something she was used to doing that would usually blow her curls up and out of her face but thankfully today it was tied back. "Dom... did something die in here or ..?" she asked, finally realising how bad an odour hung in the shop.