
Photios Ambrosius

Hogwarts Staff

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Head of Ravenclaw
History of Magic Professor

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Photios Ambrosius

Post by Photios Ambrosius on Jan 29, 2022 12:57:30 GMT



Photios Ambrosius

[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+this is the hunt





AGE 3200-ish (aprox 30 when turned)

DOB Spring Solstice, around 1200 BC

SEXUALITY bisexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE γοητεύει σχολείο

JOB History of Magic proff at Hogwarts

Played by Seph

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ brave[break]
+ protective[break]
+ patient[break]
+ calm[break]
+ even-tempered[break]
+ intelligent

- detached[break]
- stoic[break]
- ruthless[break]
- cold[break]
- vengeful

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Photios was born a very long time ago on the coast of what was then known as Greece. His mother was a priestess to Aphrodite and a witch. His father.. well if you believed his mother he was probably a god of some sort. Possibly Ares himself. Her mother was a proud woman with no fears of her status as both priestess and witch. Back in those days, magic wasn't really feared. It was all a gift from Hecate after all. Gods and Goddesses alike made life a lot more... interesting.[break][break]

Photios had a regular childhood for his time. He managed to survive and was taught magic by the locals. He was taught to wield sword and shield and to fight to his last breath. When he was around the age of seventeen he did the respectable thing. He got married and started his family. A beautiful wife and son were the result. He was happy and lived for what he considered a long time. When he was in his mid thirties (a respectable age for his time) he was turned into a vampire. He hadn't been aware of it, he'd only been told that the person could save his life as he was in dire need. Even though he knew he wasn't super young, he took the potential cure.[break][break]

It was painful, to realise his new identity and thirst for blood. He hid in the shadows and travelled the world, always keeping an eye on his heirs. The long line of children, at times more than just the one, became the main focus for him after his wife had been brutally murdered by those in his village when the came to know about his... condition. That he was a monster that she still loved. He swore revenge and... well the details are perhaps a little too graphic to describe. With a jar or two filled with booze and a certain organ that had once belonged to the instigator that had gotten his wife killed, Photios decided to leave Greece.[break][break]

The next few centuries he travelled and lived through the many times with a very odd perspective on the changing world. He still kept a close eye on his many heirs, acting as an uncle most of the time and watching them all grow up, start their lives and pass away in what began to feel like the blink of an eye. While his mother assured him that he was not cursed to live a loveless life he finds his faith in the Gods to be fading as their prayers fell into nothingness and their shrines fell into disrepair. He misses his old life but is well adapted to the new ways. Despite all of that, he still struggles with the changing times. He finds the concept automobiles absolutely absurd and completely fails to remember the statute of secrecy from time to time due to his old age. He rarely interacts with the muggle world and no longer actively involves himself with the wizarding population either. He mostly spends his time watching his line from afar these days. Still in the secret of his soul, he hopes that maybe his cold heart will find love once again.[break][break]

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE Luke Evans


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Last Edit: Jan 29, 2022 23:28:10 GMT by Founder Seph


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