
Eva Fortescue


Fifth Year

Girls just wanna have fun...

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Eva Fortescue

Post by Eva Fortescue on Feb 4, 2022 21:34:42 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+DOES YOUR MOTHER KNOW THAT YOU'RE OUT





AGE 16

DOB 20 September 2005



JOB Fifth Year Student

Played by JAY

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ friendly[break]
+ bubbly[break]
+ fun-loving[break]
+ adventurous[break]
+ resilient[break]

+ talkative[break]
+ easily distracted[break]
+ vain[break]
+ overenthusiastic[break]
+ overconfident[break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

It was obvious that Eva was going to be a handful right from the beginning; though she was never a troublesome baby, she was certainly a noisy one, and even more certainly an inquisitive one. Looking away for a fraction of a second, her parents quickly discovered, was a dangerous thing to do, since by the time that they looked back, it was quite certain that their dear daughter would be up to her elbows in something she shouldn't be, and things only grew worse as she got older, because with increased mobility and increased independence came increased opportunities for getting into all sorts of trouble- and, naturally enough, raising her parents' blood pressure by a not inconsiderable amount. Despite being a loving and caring individual, Eva was unquestionably an absolute nightmare, and perhaps it wasn't until they waved her off to Hogwarts that her parents thought they could truly sleep easy.[break][break]

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Eva made a lot of friends fairly quickly, although how much choice the other people involved had in that decision was perhaps debatable, and though of course there were a few flaming rows, everything was smoothed over quickly enough, and the business of settling in at school was over almost before she'd really realised that it had begun. Quidditch, she quickly decided, wasn't for her, not least because the whole idea of early morning practices just wasn't for her, and so she looked elsewhere for her interests, joining the school choir where she greatly enjoyed showing off her vocal talents. And so time went on.[break][break]

When she was fourteen, her cosy little world received something of a shock with the news of her baby nephew's death. It wasn't something she felt very intensely when she first heard the news, but as it had time to sink in and she began to realise just how heartbreaking it would be for her brother and her prospective sister-in-law, things really hit home, and Eva found herself feeling very low, though she did her best not to bother her family with it- her brother's need, after all, was far greater than hers. She leaned on her friends, instead, and was very grateful for all the help that they gave her. Yet it was just as she was beginning to get back on her feet again that the world dealt her, via Ilija, another heavy blow. The loss of her sister-in-law, whom she'd adored utterly, and then, as a consequence, the virtual loss of her brother.[break][break]

For what felt like forever, none of them heard anything. Any spare time that Eva had, she spent in writing letter after letter, feeling almost as though she was shouting into the void, her words certainly falling on deaf ears. Despite being typically laid-back, she began to become anything but, her temper growing shorter, her words sharper, and her attention span even less than usual- which was saying something. His return was a godsend; life certainly didn't go back to normal, but she could at least pretend that it had, and get on with the business of growing up, which was quite difficult enough as it was. She'd acquired a couple of... additional attributes, almost without noticing, and as a result, was attracting some quite different sorts of attention. Perhaps she was a little put out at first, but Eva was nothing if not adaptable, and when she was presented with a new situation, she tended to make the best of it. Enough said.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE MADELINE FORD


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Last Edit: Feb 4, 2022 22:48:44 GMT by Eva Fortescue


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