
Rose Granger-Weasley


Fifth Year

Less sugar, more spice...

Rose Granger-Weasley Avatar

Rose Granger-Weasley

Post by Rose Granger-Weasley on Feb 5, 2022 0:38:38 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+GUARANTEED TO BLOW YOUR MIND





AGE 16

DOB 12 October 2005

SEXUALITY Heterosexual


JOB Fifth year student

Played by JAY

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ intelligent[break]
+ hardworking[break]
+ loyal[break]
+ musical[break]
+ loving[break]

+ mischievous[break]
+ sarcastic[break]
+ impatient[break]
+ bossy[break]
+ giggly[break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Born as the oldest child of Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, the niece of Harry Potter and the granddaughter of Molly Weasley, Rose was never going to have a quiet or simple life- a fact which she was well aware of from an early age. Much to her mother's delight, she was an evidently intelligent girl from an early age, and though Rose wouldn't describe herself as a genius, plenty of other people have done so. Unlike her mother, however, she's never been inclined to bury herself in a book; she can read it once and know it, so why on earth should she bother doing more?[break][break]

Growing up as part of a wide and often immensely complex family, she learned to deal with people early on, which meant that as fun as she was inclined to be, she was equally well capable of telling her various relatives to shove off when she wasn't in the mood for their nonsense, and she certainly never felt the need for anyone to protect her. Heading off to Hogwarts, she didn't bother with any backward glances- no, life worked in one direction only, and that was forward! It was with the same philosophy that she settled into a train compartment with Scorpius Malfoy- after all, despite all the foul language which her mother had tried to prevent her from hearing Dad use about Draco, this wasn't the same person. It would be fine.[break][break]

And indeed it was. Her classwork never posed very much trouble for Rose, so that she was able to devote plenty of her attention to the clearly more important task of having some fun. What she got up to with Albus and Scorpius, the faculty never did quite manage to find out, which was of course the whole idea, but they certainly enjoyed themselves doing it. While she was constantly holding her place near the top of her classes, Rose was spending her time out of lessons in considerably less commendable ways- but what the teachers didn't know wouldn't hurt them...

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE FRANCESCA CAPALDI


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Last Edit: Feb 5, 2022 17:50:38 GMT by Rose Granger-Weasley


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