
MALFOY, Lancaster Octavious


Seventh Year

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Lancaster Octavious Malfoy Avatar

Lancaster Octavious Malfoy

Post by Lancaster Octavious Malfoy on Mar 21, 2022 4:02:14 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+Bad Blood




BLOOD STATUS pureblood

AGE 18

DOB December 3rd 1792

SEXUALITY Heterosexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE Hogwarts, Slytherin

JOB Student | 7th year

Played by ALI

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ Suave[break]
+ Smart[break]
+ Charming

+ Confident[break]
+ Selfish[break]
+ Haughty

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Lance is suave, smart, and charming. He cares more about image and society than he cares about school, but he still makes enough of an effort in his lessons to pass them. His favorite subjects include Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms because he finds them the most practical. He desires to work in the ministry after he graduates and so he’s tried to maintain good relationships with his professors and the staff at Hogwarts since he might desire a recommendation from any of them in the future. He was also awarded the Head Boy position for his seventh year and was prefect following that. He enjoys the power that these positions come with and likes to find ways to use them to his advantage when it suits him.
Lance is a flirt, he enjoys the attention and he likes being charming and captivating. He’s sure when the time comes for him to find a wife, he won’t have any issues doing so, and in the meantime is very open to having fun. For the same reason, Lance has a lot of friends, or at least likes to think he does. He thinks of himself as a well liked, fun loving, friendly guy. But sometimes he worries he comes across as too fun and has to dial it back to maintain somewhat of a professional and powerful demeanor.
Lance is the oldest child born of his parents. And he has twin younger sisters who are a year below him and his mother was warned by her doctors not to have anymore due to the strain that the twins put on her body. His father currently works for the ministry, though his own career desires have nothing to do with the work of his father. His father works in Muggle affairs, a department that Lance wouldn’t be caught dead in.
Lance always got along with his family and his parents. Their siblings were all fairly close, though Lance took things a lot more seriously than his sisters, who were very free-spirited and carefree. He admired his sisters, but couldn’t help but worry that they wear their hearts on their selves and would require quite a bit of watching when they finally were reading to begin the courting process. He saw them as easy to take advantage of.
Lance’s first years at Hogwarts were easy and he had a lot of fun making friends and getting to know his professors and the subjects they taught. He always kept up the appearance of a good kid, he was smart, did his work, and engaged his teachers and peers in conversation about the topics that he knew they were interested in, thus, he was an easy conversationalist and made friends quickly. While Lance likes being surrounded by people, he’s careful about who he really lets in and doesn’t give away pieces of his inner self easily.
Lance began his seventh year at Hogwarts with the expectation to graduate, find a wife during the summer season, and go on to inherit the Lord title from his father and continue to lead the Malfoy family. In his first life, he went on to accomplish his every goal, he found a wife that not only could he tolerate, but he adored and built a lovely, proud family with. He lived a good long time and died in his old age.
But all of that was forgotten when Lance woke up suddenly in the middle of a field outside of a... different Hogsmeade village. The village was lit but something other than flames or oil lamps, and upon his reentry to the school grounds, he discovered that somehow he had time traveled and was living in the far future. He has no memory of his life beyond Christmas of his seventh year.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE ALEX PETTYFER


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Last Edit: Mar 21, 2022 17:31:02 GMT by Lancaster Octavious Malfoy


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