
sorensen, grace elizabeth


Sixth Year

I have nothing to say.

Grace Sørensen Avatar

Grace Sørensen

Post by Grace Sørensen on Apr 23, 2022 0:19:28 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+TAKE THESE BROKEN WINGS AND LEARN TO FLY




BLOOD STATUS muggleborn

AGE sixteen

DOB august 31st, 2006

SEXUALITY bi-curious

SCHOOL/HOUSE hufflepuff

JOB sixth year student

Played by BREE

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ sweet[break]
+ nurturing[break]
+ empathetic

+ anxious[break]
+ pushover[break]
+ indecisive

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

ENTERING THE WORLD CW: MENTIONS DRUG ABUSE/ADDICTION From the moment she entered the world, Grace's life was never destined to be easy, especially when you took a glance at her parents, Claire and Nils, who never intended to fall pregnant with her (or her three year old brother) in the first place. Without going into too much explicit detail, Grace's parents were both addicts, fully submerged in party culture even when she'd been in the womb. Her older brother, Arthur, was removed from them when he was not even a year old and placed into the care of Cecilie (paternal grandmother), and when Grace was born, shaking and evidently suffering from withdrawal, she was placed into her care as well. Despite struggling financially and living in a smaller-than-desired apartment, Cecilie was happy to have her grandchildren stay with her rather than go into the system.[break][break]

EARLY LIFE Grace grew up in Oldham, England with her bestemor and older brother, Arthur, and it was... rough, at times. The primary language spoken in her household was Norwegian - whilst her bestemor had been living in England for ten years, she strongly believed that both Grace and Arthur needed to know both languages. It was apart of their family history - she'd grown up in Norway, their father had spent his life there, and she didn't want them to lose their roots. Growing up bilingual with a heavy splash of Norwegian culture meant that Grace didn't exactly fit in with a lot of her peers. Where they came to school with a ham and cheese sandwich, Grace's bestemor packed her a liver pate sandwich instead. Small things like that made a huge difference in her neighbourhood and, along with Grace's general demeanour, meant she was picked on quite often.[break][break]

FIRST SIGNS OF MAGIC At the age of ten, Grace's very first sign of magic came along with the news that her father had been sentenced to two years in prison for possession. Whilst she was only a tiny bit upset at the news itself, she was livid at the way he'd caused her grandmother to feel. Moments after reading the letter, Cecilie had become distraught, sobbing that she was a failure as a mother. Grace staunchly disagreed with that because her grandmother, in the eyes of her and Arthur, was a hero. Without her, she and Anders would be god knows where in the foster system. It was not her fault that their father had tumbled so far down a dark path that he was unable to be rescued by anyone. As Grace protested and consoled her grandmother, she glared at the letter (the bearer of bad news) from the corner of her eye and POOF! The paper burst into flames on the coffee table, only staying on fire long enough to crumble into ashes and leaving zero scorch marks on the table in it's wake.[break][break]

STARTING HOGWARTS Grace's first day at Hogwarts was rough. She spent the entire trip to the school itself shoved in the corner of a carriage, her nose buried in a book while her body thrummed of anxiety of what was to come. Even though she had books about Hogwarts, they were very old and purchased from a second-hand bookshop on Diagon Alley - who was to say the information wasn't decades outdated? Grace's worries built and built, eventually culminating at the Sorting Hat ceremony where she wound up having a panic attack with the hat on her head. She'll never forget the feeling of everyone's eyes on her, the way she knew she didn't belong there and she's done her best to block out the memory since, but to no avail.[break][break]

SCHOOL CAREER School has somewhat improved for Grace since that horrible first day but it became apparent very quickly that she didn't quite fit the mold of the other students. Whilst Graceis been good at completing homework and does so diligently, performing magic has always been her downfall. A lot of the time, her wand will spark when she tries to produce magic or it will just refuse to work at all. Some of this can be chalked up to her cheap wand but... it's also partly to do with her and her nerves. Grace hopes she can overcome this challenge though as she wishes to be a healer and in order to become one, she needs to be able to use practical magic.[break][break]

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE KATHRYN NEWTON


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Last Edit: Apr 23, 2022 0:21:41 GMT by Grace Sørensen


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