
Malfoy, Draco

Hogwarts Staff

Slytherin Alumnus
Alchemy Professor

Awareness is the greatest alchemy there is.

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Draco Malfoy

Post by Draco Malfoy on Jan 12, 2022 0:36:46 GMT



[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+I turned and ran to save a life I didn't have

BLOOD STATUS pureblood 

AGE forty-two

DOB june 5

SEXUALITY heterosexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE slytherin

JOB hogwarts alchemy professor

[attr="class","nodensleft2"] Played by SERAPHINA
[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT
+ resourceful[break] + principled[break]+ assertive[break] + intelligent[break] + creative[break] + determined
+ impulsive[break] + stubborn[break] + blunt[break] + argumentative[break]+ emotional[break] + moody
[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND
[attr="class","nodensright22"]Part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight Pureblood families, the Malfoys honored old-fashioned values to the extreme. They rigidly stood against the unifying of magical and muggleborns in their community. It was into this environment that Draco was born and raised. As a child, his home life was rather isolating and cold. His father was often away at work and when he was home he was very detached. Draco was desperate for his affection and approval. His mother was more warm and loving, but she was also arrogant and judgemental and valued public status and opinion very highly, all things he learned to do himslef. She coddled Draco and he developed a sense of cowardice and learned helplessness.[break][break]During his early years, Draco was tutored at home, developing skills long before receiving his acceptance letter to Hogwarts. He aspired at first to enter Durmstrange, pleasing as it would be to his father, but ultimately Narcissa had her way, loathe as she was to send her baby so far away, and he was admitted to Hogwarts instead. He was predictably sorted into Slytherin and, after failing to make Harry Potter his friend, he made it his juvenial mission to make school life for he and his friends miserable.[break][break]Draco made excellent grades as a student, second only to Hermione Granger, which was a fact difficult for him and his father to reconcile given her blood status. He played Quidditch as a seeker, but again was only ever second best. His grievances were petty and delusional until his 6th year, when he was finally given the chance to prove himself to his father and the Dark Lord both. However, the pressure proved harder to bear than he had imagined. Failure seemed inevitable. He had no idea he had been set up to fail as punishment for Lucius' own failure to retrieve the prophecy. However, in spite of the odds set against him, Draco's innovation won out and he managed to get the Death Eaters into Hogwarts. But when it came time to face Dumbledore and kill him, Draco found he didn't have the heart to do it and was moved by the man's offer to help him.[break][break]After Snape arrived and killed Dumbledore himself, Draco was taken from Hogwarts and thrown into the nightmare that had become his life. Voldemort took up residence at the manor and Draco was exposed to all manner of violence and death. The reality of all that his family stood for was made vivid to him and he found it was something he didn't have the capacity for. For the first time in Draco's life, he started to question things, though also felt like a failure to his family at the same time. He was driven so far into hating the presence of the Death Eaters, that he betrayed them in choosing not to identify Harry when he was captured.[break][break]Once the new school term began, his bleak life followed him. The Death Eaters had taken over Hogwarts and the place had become miserable and lifeless. Things came to their climax when Draco lost one of his friends, Vincent Crabbe, and Harry chose to save his life. It was then that Draco solemnly gave up on all preconceived views he held. When hope seemed lost at the "death" of Harry Potter, Draco had never known such relief as when his death turned out to be a trick.[break][break]After Voldemort's defeat, Draco and his family became somewhat estranged in the Wizarding community. They were regarded with either betrayal or wariness, depending on the side. It took a long time for his father to regain a footing in society, though the man still held many of his traditional views when it came to muggleborns.
[Break]Over the years Draco decided to form his own opinions, stepping out from his father's shadow. He became an advocate for muggleborn equality and he and his wife, Astoria, decided to raise their son with these values. His parents are disappointed with his choice, but after the battle of Hogwarts and knowing how much he matters to them, he no longer fears that he'll lose their love while paving his own way. Old rivalries ceased to matter him, all the animosity giving way to a more mature outlook. The few times Draco has crossed paths with the Golden Trio, he has acknowledged them with silent respect and gratitude.
[Break]In the past decade, after gaining some interest in alchemy and putting his intellect to use, Draco has realized he wants to do something more with his life than just enjoy a wealthy inheritance. He has returned to Hogwarts and is currently teaching his first term as an alchemy professor. 
[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE TRAVIS FIMMEL
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Last Edit: Jan 13, 2022 19:29:27 GMT by Draco Malfoy


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