
Petri Taikalainen

I have nothing to say.

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Post by Deleted on Jan 12, 2022 9:02:00 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+kiss while your lips are still red




BLOOD STATUS Pureblood, Animagus

AGE 17

DOB August 6, 2006


SCHOOL/HOUSE Hogwarts - Gryffindor

JOB was a recognised healer... now a seventh year student

Played by ROADROO

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ athletic[break]
+ benevolent[break]
+ calm
+ benevolent[break]
+ courageous[break]
+ fair[break]
+ friendly[break]
+ generous[break]
+ honest[break]

- finds it hard to adjust to the new order of things[break]
- doesn't understand 'authority figures'[break]
- in love with, and deeply missing, a dead person[break]
- hates the clothes and conformity[break]
- tells the teacher when he believes they've mae a mistake[break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Born into a world very unlike that in which he now resides, Petri grew up the eldest of five in a community that was at one with nature. There he learned nature based magic from a young age and was particularly gifted with balms and potions, curing maladies as they arose as one of the recognised healers in the village. His knowledge did not just extend to the witch or wizard, however, as he was often called upon to assist with any of the reindeer herd that needed healing. He was a helpful kid, a generally good brother with his younger siblings and very close to his identical twin brother, Perttu. [break][break]

In the year before Petri's community was tragically destroyed, he had a romance blossoming with Čuvje - she had a wonderful spirit and a way with plants that Petri couldn't help always going to her for the ingredients of his healing potions. Only the week before the tragedy, they'd announced to the village that they would be marrying in the spring. When their community was massacred, Petri was away hunting for a particularly rare flower for Čuvje from the comfort of the air (being a snowy owl animagi had its benefits). When he returned... he found the body of his baby sibling, mother and Čuvje amongst the others that passed away. Sensing danger, Petri stayed an owl until his brother appeared and they could see the danger had passed.[break][break]

For the past few months, Petri has been searching for information about his father and little sisters, accompanied by his twin brother. The boys are particularly resourceful, having grown up on the land and, failing all else, were adept hunters as owls. It took some time to narrow down where they could be so they've ended up coming to see if the Hogwarts Castle might have their sisters.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE BARTEK BOROWIEC


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Last Edit: Jan 12, 2022 9:05:24 GMT by Founder Seph


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