
sirius Black III

I have nothing to say.

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Post by Deleted on Jan 12, 2022 14:03:00 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+is this the real life?




BLOOD STATUS Pureblood - Animagus (Black Dog)

AGE 17 years {Returned}

DOB November 3rd, 1959

SEXUALITY heterosexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE Hogwarts - Gryffindor

JOB Student - 6th Year


BY RoadRoo

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ adventurous[break]
+ courageous[break]
+ brilliant[break]
+ intelligent[break]
+ fun-loving[break]
+ blood-traitor[break]
+ loyal[break]
+ stoic[break]
+ strong-willed


- arrogant[break]
- vengeful[break]
- rebellious[break]
- proud[break]
- trouble maker[break]
- antagonistic[break]
- broody[break]
- stubborn[break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND


The heir to the House of Black was, to his parent's absolute dismay, the black sheep of the family. He hated the purist rhetoric of his family, fought bitterly with his bitch of a cousin Bellatrix, thought less of Narcissa for her marriage to that pretty boy Lucius and missed his blood-traitor cousin, Andromeda. His little brother was considered "the good one" but Sirius had written him off to the purist cause years ago. [break][break]

At school, Sirius was finally free to be himself and his intelligence always shone bright in classes, despite the trouble he would often get into with his friends. He's particularly adept at transfiguration, so much so that he's an unregistered animagus.[break][break]

In the summer holidays of his sixth year, Sirius finally had enough and left the Black house with his mother screaming insults down the street as he did. If he were honest with himself, he was surprised that his parents had allowed him to leave without using some unforgiveable on him. He'd found a home and loving family in the Potter house and it would only serve to strengthen the bond between the best friends. He's infinitely loyal to Remus and tolerated Peter as if he were a less annoying brother than Regulus.[break][break]

That is all he remembers.

Thankfully, after Sirius returned from the dead, he came back into the peak of good times - before his best friends were betrayed by one of his own and murdered. Before he went to Azkaban for Pettigrew's crimes. Before he had to escape to warn his godson who went on a perilous journey to defeat the Dark Lord and before his cousin killed him. [break][break]

He's returned to his life at Hogwarts once again ... taught by the son of two of his own friends. Thankfully adaptable, Sirius is back to ruling the school - just this time, without his buddies.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE COLE SPROUSE


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Last Edit: Jan 12, 2022 15:21:10 GMT by Deleted