
Rules (WIP)


Head Honcho
Måneskin fangirl

Hi Everybody!

Founder Seph Avatar

Founder Seph

Post by Founder Seph on Jan 11, 2022 13:12:53 GMT

[attr="class","outerbox rules"]


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- Respect each other and staff. Plot policing is strictly forbidden. Realism? Yes but also no. It's a site that deals with a LOT of magic that makes things both a lot less realistic and a lot more in other aspects. In case you have doubts, bring them up with the admin. If you feel anybody is telling you what you can or cannot write (outside of any possible rules), please tell the admin. If you're found guilty of plot policing other members you will AT LEAST get a warning, if not an outright ban. We're all here to have fun and everybody has fun in different ways. If you don't like a plot, don't join it.

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[attr="class","maintext"]- Adults only. While characters can be of any age, some of us write more mature themes and thus we find it important to make sure all our members are at least legal adults. While adult themes are welcome we expect them to all be handled with the utmost respect. Tragedies, death, and traumatic events can of course be used in order to develop a character but please be mindful that certain traumatic events might hit very close to home to certain members. If you overuse certain types of trauma (not all your characters get to be orphans that watched their parents die for example) you can receive a warning or be banned from using that specific content for future characters. [break]

That being said, if you use certain plotlines or enter more details of real world traumatic events, please put trigger warnings accordingly. Also please steer away from graphic descriptions as much as possible. You can paint a perfect egg with only colours by drawing the surroundings rather than the egg itself after all. When dealing with such issues in writing, please try to approach it in a similar fashion.

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[attr="class","maintext"]- One Account per Character[break]
- One character per face, identical multiples exempt.[break]
- No inappropriate conduct for young kids! While we allow first years (and in theory younger) we don't want to see any content in that age group that does not belong there. Any posts/threads breaking this rule will be deleted without warning. You will receive warning and/or a ban depending on how bad the infriction is.[break]
- all Returned MUST have staff permission BEFORE being made. I'm sorry (not), but Voldie will not be making his return. [break]
- We are AU post potter. We accept all next gen characters (except Delphini) but the cursed child... never happened for us. This means some chars might be alive that would be dead in the script.[break]
- Age exemptions for jobs, animagi, etc, are at staff discretion and must be discussed before a character is made. [break]
- Please use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation in your posts. Not a native speaker or suffering from dyslexia? Not a problem! (Yours truly isn't a native speaker after all). If your character speaks broken English, totally fine. Just do your best to make sure your posts remain legible, that's all we really want <3[break]

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- Not all boards are visible to every character. OOC accounts can see (almost) every board and we encourage you to make one.[break]
- Be respectful of other members (we really can't repeat this enough)[break]
- Badgering people to post is not allowed. Politely asking them when they'll post if it has been a while (like at the very least a week) is allowed.[break]
- Plots are fun! However, if you have doubts about the course of a plot or the perspective of other people on said plot, ASK THEM! Perhaps they only have a casual fling in mind while you're planning the wedding.[break]
- Separate OOC and IC! This goes wrong too often. If there are certain plots you're not comfortable with or if somebody said something in a post that makes you uneasy, talk to them about it but keep in mind that THEIR views might be the opposite of those their characters hold. Many of us like a very wide variety of chars and plots, and this means that they sometimes end up playing a villain. It does not mean they are one themselves.[break]
- Don't... make more chars than you can handle? I shouldn't have to say this but we've all been there. While there currently isn't a limit on the amount of characters I will make one if I feel this rule gets broken too much. [break]
- See above rule for the "but why?" behind this one. First six chars are free. After that I expect you to establish your characters in the sense that they have at the very least ONE IC post before you make your next. Planning to top 15 chars? I expect all chars to have at least 10 posts, at least one of those written in the last 30 days.[break]
- Certain rewards are given for activity, such as private boards and features in things like the sidebar or header. This is also why we don't have a games board. The discord has plenty of opportunity for spam though![break]
- Joining the discord is advised, but never mandatory![break]

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[attr="class","maintext"]What did I miss?

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Last Edit: Jan 27, 2022 17:28:46 GMT by Founder Seph