
Tyyne Taikalainen


First Year

just call me Tabs

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Tyyne Taikalainen

Post by Tyyne Taikalainen on Jan 12, 2022 21:33:13 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+COLD AND BROKEN HALLELUJAH





AGE 11

DOB August 16

SEXUALITY Unexplored


JOB First Year Student



[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ Witty[break]
+ Intelligent[break]
+ Independent[break]
+ Loyal[break]
+ Musical[break]
+ Adaptable[break]
+ Confident[break]


- Impatient[break]
- Outspoken[break]
- Impulsive[break]
- Stubborn[break]
- Scatterbrained[break]
- Short Fuse[break]
- Cheeky[break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND


Spending her earliest years in a quiet community at the side of a mountain, Tyyne developed her confidence and her independence early on in life, free to roam the village and the surrounding fields more or less unsupervised for much of the time. After all, what could possibly happen? Not afraid to get her hands dirty, the landscape was as familiar to her as her own sitting room, every hedgerow a playground, every tree a climbing frame- and, of course, a challenge that couldn't be turned down. She knew everyone, everyone knew her, and there wasn't a bird singing on the mountain that she couldn't have named with her eyes closed. In so many ways, it was a paradise.[break][break]

At least, until everything went wrong in the most spectacular fashion possible and she saw her home burning down around her, her friends and those she had come to think of as family being struck down where they stood, and the village which had been her world ever since she was born being reduced to nothing more than ruins and piles of ash. Tyyne did not cry, though she felt like it; she wouldn't give them the satisfaction. The tears came later; later, when she had to pack up what remained of her things and leave the place that was the only world she'd ever known, when she had to leave her friends and her country and her way of life, when she had to travel to a country that seemed so very strange to her in every way. It was not an easy transition to make. In fact, she still isn't convinced that she's really made it.[break][break]

Starting at Hogwarts was very much like stepping into another world; people spoke in strange ways and behaved in stranger ways, and as for their views on magic, she didn't know where to start. Wands were alien, theoretical classes more so, and for all that she found herself in Ravenclaw, there were plenty of occasions on which she felt entirely unqualified to be there- and that was just within the first week.[break][break]

Still, Tyyne wasn't about to give up. She was determined to stick it out- and things would get better. They would have to.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE ANNALISE BASSO


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Last Edit: Jan 12, 2022 21:33:40 GMT by Tyyne Taikalainen


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