
Benford, Alice Elizabeth


Sixth Year

I have nothing to say.

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Alice Benford

Post by Alice Benford on Jan 13, 2022 16:24:23 GMT



Alice Benford





AGE 16

DOB April 18 1960


SEXUALITY Heterosexual

JOB/House Hufflepuff 


played by Ali

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ studious[break]
+ kind[break]
+ outgoing[break]
+ fun loving[break]
+ hard working[break]
+ Helpful[break]
+ loyal[break]


- Naive[break]
- Trusting[break]
- Innocent[break]
- Clumsy[break]
- Awkward[break]
- People Pleaser[break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

While Alice lived well into her sixties, her mental state finally deteriorated her physical body and Alice died peacefully in her sleep. Unaware of where she was, who was with her, or what was happening. Alice had never really considered death and thus wasn't afraid of it. And while her husband, Frank was in the bed beside her in their wing of St. Mungos, she never would have realized he was there. [break][break]

But she opened her eyes the next day in her Hogwarts Dorm thinking she was back in 1976. With no memory of the life she once lived, Alice went about her day with the following memories up until that point. [break][break]

Alice was born in the spring as the only child to Leah and Craig Benford. Both were purebloods. Her father attended Hogwarts, while her mother grew up in France and had attended Beauxbatons. Her parents met while her father was traveling France in an unsuccessful attempt to hunt down the Cheval Mallet. Her father worked for the Ministry of Magic in the department for the control and regulation of magical creatures and often helped when a rogue creature or beast was causing harm. The two married, her mother relocated to England, and they had Alice shortly after. [break][break]

Alice was accepted into Hogwarts at the age of 11 and was sorted into Hufflepuff house. her father had been a Ravenclaw and at first was a little upset by his daughters house, but soon came to accept it.  [break][break]

Alice's first few years at Hogwarts were uneventful. She studied hard and realized that she showed talent in a few subjects: Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, and surprising to her, Defense Against the Dark Arts. She continued those subjects, and a few others into her OWL year and passed all her exams with the exception of potions. In fact, her potion blew up before the end of the exam and she may have ran crying out of the exam room. it wasn't her finest moment. [break][break]

In her fifth year, Alice was made Prefect and was very proud to have been given such responsibility. She took her role seriously and loved helping others, though, she was known as a bit of a push over when it came to any sort of punishment or discipline. 

Now, midway through her 6th year, Alice has got to start thinking seriously about what she wants to do when she graduates. Her father wants her to join him in the world of Creatures. Her mother thinks she should embrace her natural talent in Herbology. But Alice isn't sure if either is the right path for her. Her talent in Defense Against the Dark Arts surprised everyone and she couldn't help but wonder if that was what she needed to pursue. 

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE FC SHAILENE WOODLEY


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Last Edit: Jan 13, 2022 16:25:18 GMT by Alice Benford


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