


Head Honcho
Måneskin fangirl

Hi Everybody!

Founder Seph Avatar

Founder Seph

Post by Founder Seph on Jan 11, 2022 13:13:32 GMT

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The year is 2022, the purists were defeated and the trio started a regular and ordinary life. All was well, or at least normal. Until now. While the wizarding world is still relatively calm a few people have emerged from the shadows of death itself, or so it would seem. Healers are still trying to figure out if these figures claiming to be long deceased people really are who they seem. At the same time these Returned, as they have been dubbed, are trying to make sense of a world that moved on without them in it. A lot is yet unknown about these Returned and their origins, as they haven't been around more than... well a few weeks really. Ever since the start of the new year...

What this means for the world is yet unknown. All that seems certain is that interesting times are ahead, as the world attempts to wrap their head around these Returned and what their sudden appearance means for the future.

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The year is 2022. The setting is AU, post potter. Canons that did not die aged normally. Canon children exist for as far as known. This mostly extends to those mentioned specifically in the books. Changes are very much allowed to happen. There is no muggle technology like phones or cars beyond what was introduced in the books at this point. If enough people want technology of a similar nature, this can be requested. You will get a magical equivalent, not 'muggle technology that suddenly works in the wizarding world'. If you bring your smartphone to Hogwarts, it will bring down within the first fifteen minutes. Or maybe it'll develop a personality and just refuse to let you send texts it disagrees with (like the car kind of took on a life of it's own). Regardless, your technology is useless here.
That being said, Hogwarts does allow the use of fountain pens now. After all, a lot can happen in a few years!

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Last Edit: Jan 11, 2022 19:33:34 GMT by Founder Seph