
Abilities and Demi-Human Claim


Head Honcho
Måneskin fangirl

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Founder Seph

Post by Founder Seph on Jan 13, 2022 20:45:58 GMT

I'll make this pretty later. For now it's nothing but a list.

The ability to shield your mind from intrusions from legilimens and some other things that affect the mind.
- @yavanna

The ability to read the minds of other people. This ability is usually a learned ability, although a rare few have it innately. Please consult staff before making a character with innate legilimency.
- @salazar

The ability to change ones appearance at will. This is a very rare born ability. We currently do not accept muggleborns with this ability.
- @teddy
- @yavanna

The ability to fully transform into an animal. You do not choose which animal you become. It is most common for people to take the shape of their patronus. It's a lengthy process to complete. While we accept underage animagi this will need some pretty darn good reasoning behind how or why your character can do so at a young age. The same goes for unregistered animagi.
- @sirius Black Dog (unregistered)
- @petri Snowy Owl
- Great Grey Owl
- Lynx (unregistered)

The ability to divine the future. True seers are extremely rare. Please consult staff before making a true seer. Clairvoyants are naturally skilled at divination and can be made at will. They, however, are not capable of making huge prophecies. They can make smaller prophecies concerning the lives of a small amount of people.
- (true seer)

Parseltongue (Returned only and ONLY with staff permission)
The ability to talk to snakes.
- @salazar

Demi humans

Part Giant
We accept up to a quarter giants. After that we'll consider the blood too far diluted. These individuals are commonly stronger and hate a certain innate resistance to offensive magic. This mostly means all spells need to be quite powerful to properly affect somebody with giant blood. It usually will take multiple stunning spells to take down a single individual with giant blood.

Vampires and Part Vampires
Blood sucking individuals with an allergy to sunlight and garlic. They must drink blood to survive. Since official canon is lacking, see spoiler below for some site specific details.
Vampires cannot stay in the sun for long periods of time. While they don't burst into flames, they do get severe burns. They heal slower than most humans and will need more blood during their healing process.
Vampires are turned, not born. They can live for a very long time, limits quite unknown due to their more secretive tendencies. Vampires commonly turn muggles out of pride for their ability to use magic that does not require a wand, and partially because of the poor treatement they received from the wizarding world in the past. This has been changing after the second wizarding war, as treatment improved.
In order to turn into a vampire the vampire must feed on a person three nights in a row and the third night the vampire-to-be must consume the blood of their sire. Accidental turning doesn't happen and it's extremely rare for anybody to be turned against their will.
Many vampires end up in the music industry due to the enhanced voice and appearance that comes with being a vampire.
Vampires can turn into bats and walk on walls. Only vampires that were wizards before they were turned retain the ability to cast spells, although certain types of magic (such as healing or a patronus) are a lot more challenging to them, if not impossible.
Full vampires, regardless of species, don't enjoy all the rights wizards do. They are not allowed to study magic and most places prefer not to hire them. Certain groups actively lobby against vampire wand-ownership, although this is less prevalent since after the war.
Part vampires don't have to drink blood to survive but doing so gives them the allure of their vampiric ancestor. They can't turn into bats or walk on walls. While it is possible for them to be turned, it is highly dangerous to them due to their partly undead status. Turning a part-vampire is a very high risk affair that almost never happens.

- (Full)

These humans are afflicted with a disease that turns them into murderous wolves during a full moon. Werewolves are turned, never born. They are often outcasts, but their outlook has improved since the wizarding war.

Veela and Part Veela
These creatures are enchanting and beautiful beings. Beautiful to the point of being rather otherworldly, as long as they keep their tempers in check. While MOST part-veela are woman, the gene also carries in men. Male veela also exist. There are multiple tribes of veela, the ones more common to northern and central europe being fair of skin and often having light hair. This being said, veela and part veela come in shapes and sizes as varied as humans do. Full veela can throw fireballs from their hands and turn into bird-like creatures when angry enough. They are attracted to talent and ambition and will often seek out rich, talented and influential partners. Their children inherit their beauty and natural grace as well as their temper and ability to seduce. They, however, cannot fly or throw fireballs by any means beyond that of a regular wizard. They may find that fire magic and flying come easier to them than to others.
- @amara (Half)
- (1/8 part)
Last Edit: Jan 18, 2022 19:59:01 GMT by Founder Seph