
Deva de Angelis

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Post by Deleted on Jan 14, 2022 10:17:30 GMT



Deva de Angelis

[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+IT'S GOOD TO BE BAD




JOB Student 6th year

AGE 16

DOB April 14th


SEXUALITY Heterosexual

HOUSE Hufflepuff


Played BY Seph

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ kind[break]
+ gentle[break]
+ staight-laced[break]
+ determined[break]
+ welcoming[break]
+ openminded[break]
+ forgiving[break]
+ organised[break]


- pushover[break]
- obstinate[break]
- negative[break]
- stubborn[break]
- shy[break]
- insecure[break]
- doesn't like unexpected events. Like at all.[break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND


One might think that law enforcement and lawyers would never go well together. It was what Deva's uncles thought when their brother told them he had fallen in love with a lawyer. Her aunt, however, encouraged it, as they were all supposed to be on the same side. It was an unexpectedly good match, as Gabriella (mom) mostly concerned herself in domestic disputes and divorces. Despite seeing so many marriages crack, hers never did. She told Deva it was because she saw what made other marriages break and simply insured it wouldn't happen to her own family.[break][break]

As the daughter of a couple highly invested in the law, Deva was brought up on the letter of the law and introduced to these concept at an early age. While not heading down the same path as her parents, she certainly caught on their love for order and organisation. She displayed it in school, constantly attempting to convince people not to cheat on their tests but loyal enough to her friends to never actually rat them out, something her parents disapproved of. [break][break]

During the various summers the family, being rather well off due to well paying professions and some family fortune, would often sail around on their private little boat, enjoying the calmth of the water without the crowded beaches swamped with tourism. These were some of the happiest times for Deva, as the laws of the sea were not overly complicated and she could simply relax and unwind. Enjoy herself. Even now the memory of those summers sailing with the family bring her great joy. Yet the holidays ended and she always had to go back to school again.[break][break]

Deva herself mostly found herself interested in charms and transfiguration while in school. She excelled in spells and found herself truly horribly bad at potions. It was rather clear where her career path certainly would not be taking her. While her father and uncles were a little disappointed she would not become an auror like them, they were overjoyed to hear she was planning on joining the ministry.[break][break]

At age 14, Deva planned out the rest of her life. She'd graduate Hogwarts at age 18 (scince her birthday was in April), get a job at the ministry and succesfully complete the internship. She would find the love of her life between 20 and 27 (though preferably before 25). Married before 28 (so definitively better to find the one soon) so that they could start with children somewhere between 26 and 32, depending on when they met. Their total of three children would be born two years apart each, preferably all in Spring. At age 35 she'd be promoted to department head, where she would happily remain until age 50, when she'd step back and retire early with her husband on their vast savings. There would be more time for travel and sailing at that point and the children would (hopefully) be moving out by then. From there it was all detailed in which hobby's to master when and how to usefully apply them to other aspects of her life. It's a binder worth of detailed planning. [break][break]

Use the break tags to start new paragraphs.[break][break]

Like this.[break][break]

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE FC FIRST LAST


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