
Ilija Cayden Fortescue


Hufflepuff Alumnus
Curse Breaker

It's a madness state of mind

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Ilija Cayden Fortescue

Post by Ilija Cayden Fortescue on Jan 14, 2022 11:04:28 GMT



Ilija Cayden Fortescue

[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+Time keeps running away, no matter what's left behind, it keeps on moving





AGE 20

DOB 2001, 15 August

SEXUALITY heterosexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE Hufflepuff Alumnus

JOB Curse Breaker

Played by Seph

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ kind[break]
+ patient[break]
+ caring[break]
+ paternal[break]
+ giving[break]
+ patient[break]
+ loyal

- closed off[break]
- secretive[break]
- indifferent[break]
- careless[break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

CW: death, ptsd and mental health issues in a broad sense.[break][break]

Ilijah found his childhood to be mostly unimpressive. He was four when he became the proud older brother of his sister. He loved his sibling and would often join mom in putting her to bed, even if it made little sense. He was very caring.[break][break]

He himself was discovered to be allergic to cows milk at a very young age. It certainly complicated life for him and both his parents, as they had to be careful he wouldn't stuff just anything from around the shop in his mouth. While not immediately lethal it caused him immense pain and suffering to consume any products containing cows milk. Ice cream was... complicated. With a father that is an ice cream maker, not being able to eat the produce meant his father invested in creating icecream that he too, could eat.[break][break]

School came and went without much of a hiccup. He went to school, made a lot of friends and was a generally cheerful, happy and bubbly kind of guy. He met his sweetheart, a girl by the name of Hannah Webb. They dated most of their teen years and after graduation pursued the same career, curse breaking.[break][break]

It was exciting and a little scary! Ilija was thrilled to be out in the world with his Hannah but still wrote home as often as he could. He and Hannah truly lived in the moment and were at times a little careless. She ended up pregnant at eighteen and after the shock wore off the couple was delighted to no end with the idea of becoming parents. They talked about maybe looking into a safer career. They talked about buying a little house to live in and making a home for their family. Ilija often wrote home with little updates.[break][break]

Nine months passed and several weeks before the baby was due, Ilija proposed to his girlfriend. They'd just bought an adorable little cottage and had decorated a room for the child. Everything was perfect. That was the last night he wrote home to his family on a happy note.[break][break]

A few weeks later the first of the tragic events took place and they found their son, little Floyd, to be stillborn. Their hearts were heavy with grief, but at least they had each other. They found solace in each others arms and closed the door to the little nursery they'd built. It was sad, but Ilija knew it'd be fine. He'd started a long letter home in hopes of telling his siblings and father was they were going through. They decided to delay the wedding, first wanting to grief the loss of their child properly.[break][break]

Grief was not an easy emotion to work through. After a month, both Ilija and Hannah were doing better again though. At times they got a little distracted but they had plunged into work, determined to get a good life going in case they were ready to make a family again. To get a nice fortune to build their life together in anticipation of another child, only this time planned. It wasn't meant to be, however.[break][break]

One day they were raiding an old tomb when everything fell apart. An explosion was triggered and Ilija watched as Hannah, the unfortunate soul to have triggered it, disappeared from the face of the earth in what felt like slow motion. He himself lost most of his right leg but his life remained in tact. Two days later he wrote from the hospital, the last his family would hear from him in a long time. "Something went terribly wrong." Nothing more, nothing less. No explanation.[break][break]

It took a lot of owls, six months of recovery in terms of physical health and several visits to the shared grave of his would have been wife and their stillborn son before he wrote. He wrote a relatively short letter that didn't offer much in terms of explanation. He'd been in an accident and was coming home. [break][break]

By this time it was obvious things had changed, since his personality was nearly a polar opposite of before. His cheer and joy replaced by a much more serious demeanour. He was no longer the person people knew him to be and the ones that knew of the accident respected his wishes and didn't speak of it to him or others near him.[break][break]

He developed many nightmares, severe depression and started taking on a role of far more weight. He started acting like an older sibling when he was home. He had PTSD, most easily triggered by the inane clicking of a pen, every click like a drum vibrating through his skull, slowly eating away at his sanity. He often freezes, completely unable to move after hearing sounds that bring back the memories. He's known to cease moving and almost act like a statue, turning pale and stone cold as memories flood over him.[break][break]

He's often uncomfortable around his friends and family, nervous they'll start poking around about what exactly transpired. He's never managed to talk about what happened with anybody in his family and simply goes silent when they ask about Hannah. He'll offer very response and the most they got out of him thus far is that she left. Where or why is never really expanded on. Ilija is unable to say she passed away, choking on the words if he tries. It is as if he can't voice it, as that would make it permanent. As if she somehow could come back if he just doesn't mention that she's gone permanently. He's recently sold the house he and Hannah shared, moving back to the UK for further recovery so that he might be closer to his sister again.[break][break]

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE Jake Hold


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Last Edit: Jan 14, 2022 11:32:18 GMT by Founder Seph


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