
Jobs Claim


Head Honcho
Måneskin fangirl

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Founder Seph

Post by Founder Seph on Jan 14, 2022 11:58:55 GMT

Hogwarts Jobs
All Hogwarts jobs are considered to be full time and cannot be combined with other jobs. Obligated ages for Head of House and deputy will only be voided if all teacher jobs are filled with younger teachers.

Headmaster: Open (McGonagall)
Char must but at least 60 yo for this job.
Deputy Headmaster: Open
Char must but at least 50 yo for this job.

Head of Gryffindor: Open
Head of Hufflepuff: Open
Head of Ravenclaw:
Head of Slytherin: @salazar
Char must but at least 40 yo for this position.

Char must but at least 30 yo for this position. Classes marked with an Asterix are electives.
Advanced Flying* (3rd and up):
Ancient Runes*: @salazar
Care of Magical Creatures*:
Defence Against the Dark Arts:
Flying (1st years only):
Herbology: Neville Longbottom
History of Magic:
Muggle Studies*:

Support Staff:
Char must but at least 25 to be a healer at the school. The Matron must be at least 30.
Caretaker: Open
Groundskeeper: Open
Healers: Open, Open
Librarian: Open
Matron: Open
Last Edit: Jan 29, 2022 23:24:24 GMT by Founder Seph


Head Honcho
Måneskin fangirl

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Founder Seph

Post by Founder Seph on Jan 14, 2022 12:20:08 GMT

Ministry of Magic Jobs
Ministry Jobs can be done as full time or part time. Unless you specifically state that your character works part-time it will be considered a full time job. Certain jobs (like department head and minister for magic) cannot be done part time. Not literally all jobs are listed. If you want a job that is not listed, simply claim with the name and department the job would be in. If you have doubts a job might exist, message me!

Minister for Magic: Open
Char must but at least 30 yo for this job, older has a preference.

Department of Magical Law Enforcement

"Level two, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, including the Improper Use of Magic Office, Auror Headquarters, and Wizengamot Administration Services."
Head of Department:

Head Auror:
Auror trainnees:
Aurors are the 'elite' dark wizard catchers. It takes three years of intensive training to become a fully fledged auror. This is a very dangerous job.

Magical Law Enforcements:
Magical Law Enforcement trainnee:
The 'regular' cops that handle the day to day law enforments. Things like flying while intoxicated, pranks on muggles, cauldron thickness regulations.

Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes

"Level Three, Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, incorporating the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, Obliviator Headquarters and Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee."
Head of Department:

Deal with larger events, mostly in obliviating muggles that were witness to magical events. Often work alongside Law Enforcement.

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad:
Deal with cases of underaged magic use.

Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

"Each wizarding governing body will be responsible for the concealment, care and control of all magical beasts, beings, and spirits dwelling within its territory's borders. Should any such creature cause harm to, or draw the notice of, the Muggle community, that nation's wizarding governing body will be subject to discipline by the International Confederation of Wizards."
Head of Department:

Department of International Magical Co-operation

"Level Five, Department of International Magical Co-operation, incorporating the International Magical Trading Standards Body, the International Magical Office of Law and the International Confederation of Wizards, British Seats"
Head of Department:

Department of Magical Transportation

"Level Six, Department of Magical Transportation, incorporating the Floo Network Authority, Broom Regulatory Control, Portkey Office and Apparition Test Centre."
Head of Department:

Department of Magical Games and Sports

"Level seven, Department of Magical Games and Sports, incorporating the British and Irish Quidditch League Headquarters, Official Gobstones Club, and Ludicrous Patents Office."
Head of Department:

Department of Mysteries

"The lift clattered into view and they hurried inside. Every time it stopped Mr Weasley cursed furiously and pummelled the number nine button. 'Department of Mysteries,' said the cool female voice, and left it at that."
Head of Department:

Unlike all the other departments, this department is notoriously closed off. Before starting their official assignments, all Unspeakables are trained in the art of Occlumency. They are sworn to secrecy and not even the minister for magic is fully aware of what happens in this department.
- @yavanna

Other offices

"This is where all other offices go that are part of the ministry but not their own department."
Committee on Experimental Charms:

Magical Maintenance Department:

Ministry of Magic Public Information Services:

Department of Magical Education:

Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx.:

Wizarding Examinations Authority:

Ministry of Magic research committee:

Ministry of Magic exploding bonbons disposal unit:

Foreign Affairs and Sports Department:
Last Edit: Jan 16, 2022 11:46:01 GMT by Founder Seph


Head Honcho
Måneskin fangirl

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Founder Seph Avatar

Founder Seph

Post by Founder Seph on Jan 14, 2022 12:28:20 GMT

Magical Shopping Districts
Shop workers can be part time or full time. OWNING a shop is considered a full time job, although they can hire managers to open more than one store. The wizarding world (due to it's less modernised nature) doesn't have many franchises and most shops take on an apprentice to learn the trade. Graduates from Hogwarts that plan to go into the world of sales often take an apprenticeship at one of the stores before they start working as regular employees.

Diagon Alley:
Not all shops will be listed here by default. To add a shop your character owns or works at, simply claim the job.

Gringotts (Wizarding Bank)
Curse Breakers:

Jamba Java (coffee lounge)
Baristas: (multiple open postions)
Cook: open

Magical Ink Arts (Tattoo Shop)
Tattoo Artists:
Apprentice: Open

Knockturn Alley:
Not all shops will be listed here by default. To add a shop your character owns or works at, simply claim the job.

Shops go here.

Not all shops will be listed here by default. To add a shop your character owns or works at, simply claim the job.

Shops go here.
Last Edit: Jan 19, 2022 9:14:25 GMT by Founder Seph


Head Honcho
Måneskin fangirl

Hi Everybody!

Founder Seph Avatar

Founder Seph

Post by Founder Seph on Jan 14, 2022 12:37:07 GMT

Other Jobs
It really depends on the jobs if they are part-time or full time. While one can easily do several jobs from this catagory alongside others, it's handled on a somewhat case by case basis if this is to be considered realistic. Don't worry, we won't be super strict on this! We just don't want to see four jobs that one would normally be expected to have full time for a single character xD

Mostly creative jobs that serve to entertain others. Most types of artists will end up under this denominator.

Singer Songwriter: (Mordrain)
Musical Consultant:

Candycure: (Singer/Songwriter), Open (Guitarist), @alix (Bassist), Open (Drummer)
Manager: Open

Professional athletes of various kinds.
Holyhead Harpies
Seeker: @roxanne

Independant jobs such as inventors, authors of scientific/educational books and other similar jobs.


Stepping Stones Home for Bereaved Children
Owners: @teddy &


Last Edit: Jan 29, 2022 23:26:11 GMT by Founder Seph