
Edward "Teddy" Lupin

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Post by Deleted on Jan 14, 2022 13:52:58 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+show 'em what you're worth




BLOOD STATUS half-blood & metamorphmagus

AGE 23 years

DOB April 1, 1998


SCHOOL/HOUSEHogwarts - Hufflepuff

JOB co-owner of Stepping Stones Home for Bereaved Children {orphanage}

Played by ROADROO

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ allocentric[break]
+ charismatic[break]
+ compassionate[break]
+ faithful[break]
+ family oriented[break]
+ felicific[break]
+ hardworking[break]
+ optimistic

- melancholic[break]
- fatalistic[break]
- meddlesome[break]
- lonely when left alone[break]
- indulgent

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Teddy Lupin was the little love child of the late Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin, although his memories of his wonderful parents are... yeah, not really there. They were fallen heroes and so Teddy grew up in the loving care of his grandmother Andromeda with the help of his wonderful Godfather, Harry Potter. He was practically raised as the older brother of the Potter kids and he loved every minute of it.[break][break]

At the Sorting Ceremony, Teddy had a hard time deciding between whether he wanted to be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff - either was fine with him as his parents had been wonderful people in both great houses. The Hat made quick work of the decision, though, and Teddy grew up in the basement. He was a good student and became a prefect in his fifth year. In his fourth year, he started to enjoy the particular company of Victoire Weasley. Of course, her father tried to separate them at the World Cup but what the heart wants.... the heart will eventually get. By Victoire's graduating year, finally the greater Potter-Weasley family knew that these two were official. [break][break]
Part of the future plans of the couple was to build a home for kids that weren't as fortunate as he was to have family and loving friends to help him grow into a good person. Whilst Victoire was still obtaining her NEWTS, Teddy began to work within a few orphanages as a casual employee to gain valuable experience. It was heart-breaking, more often than not, but working with the different kids only made his resolve to go ahead with the plan to found Stepping Stones Home for Bereaved Children. Slowly and with a lot of owls to-and-fro between Victoire and Teddy, he started getting the home ready in the wizarding town Mould-on-the-Wold. Since opening after Victoire graduated, the home has been particularly good at handling demi-human children, with part-goblins, part-veela, werewolves and part-giants so far.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE IAN SOMERHALDER


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Last Edit: Jan 14, 2022 14:03:21 GMT by Deleted


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