
Weasley, Dominique | Complete


Ravenclaw Alumna
1/8th Veela
Potioneer at J. Pippins Potions & Apothecary

I Got Bored With Classical Latin

Dominique Weasley Avatar

Dominique Weasley

Post by Dominique Weasley on Jan 15, 2022 21:09:53 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+SOME SONG LYRICS OR SOMETHING




BLOOD STATUS 1/8 veela & Clairvoyant

AGE 19

DOB November 1 2002

SEXUALITY Heterosexual but curious

SCHOOL/HOUSE Hogwarts Ravenclaw

JOB Potioner at J. Pippins Potions & Apothecary in Hogsmeade

Played by ALI

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ Smart[break]
+ Friendly[break]
+ Compassionate[break]
+ Studious[break]
+ Loyal[break]
+ Intuitive[break]

+ Perfectionist [break]
+ Bad at team work [break]
+ Stubborn[break]
+ Blunt [break]
+ Impulsive [break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Dominique was born as the second child to Bill and Fluer Weasley. She had been Clairvoyant as long as she could remember, even into her childhood she could remember always having a sense of Deja Vu, like she had seen certain events before. Nothing major, but she always seemed to know when her brother was going to drop a plate when clearing the dinner table, or when her mother was going to trip on something left on the floor. It was eerie, but not something she brought up often. As she grew up and started at Hogwarts, she learned that she was far from the only Clairvoyant in their world and that she had a natural talent for Divination. Her gifts remained something that she kept mostly to herself through the years. She didn't want to get any extra attention or grief for her talents. [break][break]

In school, Dom found herself a large group of friends and liked being social and part of the spotlight. She was popular and she liked the idea of everyone knowing who she was. She knew, on some level, that her Veela blood had something to do with it. But her Ego told her it was her personality as much as it was her face. Towards the later of her Hogwarts tenue, she focused more on socializing than she did on studying. The only subjects she continued into NEWT level were: Potions, Herbology, Divination, and Charms, thus, her schedule had a lot of free periods to fill with various conversations, parties, and relationships.[break][break]

Besides Divination, Dom found herself particularly talented in Herbology and potions. It just made sense to her. She continued that talent into adulthood and upon graduation, she was hired first as an assistant at J. Pippins Potions and Apothecary, and then moved up to a Potioner once they realized that she really did know what she was talking about. [break][break]

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE Holland Roden


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Last Edit: Jan 15, 2022 21:10:39 GMT by Dominique Weasley


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