
Yavanna Teleri

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Post by Deleted on Jan 15, 2022 23:54:29 GMT



Yavanna Teleri

[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+SOME SONG LYRICS OR SOMETHING




BLOOD STATUS Pureblood, occlumens, metamorph

AGE 22, Returned

DOB 5th of may, 1998

SEXUALITY bisexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE Australian Wizarding School

JOB Unspeakable at MoM

Played by Seph

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ highly intelligent[break]
+ creative problemsolver[break]
+ forgiving[break]
+ trustworthy[break]
+ sees the best in people[break]
+ supportive[break]
+ will do anything for her friends[break]
+ kind

- insecure[break]
- unstable[break]
- naive[break]
- easily persuadable[break]
- too selfcritical[break]
- lacks confidence

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Life for Yavanna hasn't really been terribly interesting. Or well, not if you ask her. She was born to a normal family and had a very normal childhood. While her parents provided her with everything she needed, they never really did support her emotionally. They tried, but ultimately they were not quite able to do so to the extent that Yavanna would have needed. This mostly meant that Yavanna grew up to be insecure and uncertain and to a point, ashamed of who and what she was. So when she fell in love with her pen pal, she did the unthinkable and gave up her world to be with him.[break][break]

As soon as she graduated, she moved away from Sunny Australia to cold and dreary and rainy UK. But everything was fine, as she was in love and her boyfriend was everything. It wasn't much of a courtship, as the two found each other to be even easier to be around in person. They lived together from the second week on and he even helped her to get a job. Her life was looking up, despite her being plagued with a lot of doubt. Most of it, if not all, caused by her own insecurities. Then tragedy struck, and Yavanna passed away in December, just before Christmas. [break][break]

Not that Yanna herself remembers any of that. All she remembers is that she went to sleep remarkably drunk after celebrating the change of year with some friends and waking up in a field in Hogsmeade the next day with no memory at all of how she got there. And then wondering how bad the hang over was, as it seems that she lost a full year due to the intoxication. Luckily she managed to get her job back despite it all. And of course, she's still living with her boyfriend, even if it's particularly awkward between them. After all, she was dead for several weeks and doesn't remember their last year together. As is to be expected from somebody as deeply insecure as Yanna is, she blames herself and is starting to doubt all of her decisions.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE Miranda Kerr


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Last Edit: Jan 15, 2022 23:54:44 GMT by Deleted


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