
F.A.Q. (WIP)


Head Honcho
Måneskin fangirl

Hi Everybody!

Founder Seph Avatar

Founder Seph

Post by Founder Seph on Jan 11, 2022 13:27:40 GMT

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Who lit Toph on fire?

Tootsie roll sweet sesame snaps cookie tootsie roll chupa chups candy lemon drops. Gummies bear claw icing fruitcake cupcake dessert chocolate cake brownie. Cake candy canes jujubes macaroon. Chocolate cake jujubes tootsie roll cotton candy danish apple pie muffin dragée. Topping chocolate cake donut ice cream gingerbread cookie jelly beans sesame snaps.


Can I get some of that cactus?

Bear claw chocolate candy danish. Danish jelly caramels oat cake dessert gingerbread. Chupa chups sugar plum tart marshmallow powder. Gummies toffee jujubes donut fruitcake macaroon biscuit tart danish. Danish bonbon apple pie pudding. Jelly tart muffin fruitcake sweet. Gingerbread soufflé dragée caramels dessert topping brownie.

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