
Salazar Slytherin

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Post by Deleted on Jan 16, 2022 5:13:32 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+The eager for glory often bind something bloody close to their breasts




BLOOD PURITY pureblood, parseltongue, legilimens

AGE 25

DOB Winter, 970 {Returned}

SEXUALITY heterosexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE Private Tutorage

HOUSE/JOB Current Slytherin Head of House, Professor of Ancient Runes, Founder of Hogwarts, Founder of Slytherin House


BY RoadRoo

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ determined[break]
+ ambitious[break]
+ loyal to a few[break]
+ cunning[break]
+ quick witted[break]
+ intelligent[break]
+ strong-willed[break]
+ highly skilled in magic


- social-climber[break]
- has own moral compass[break]
- condescending[break]
- fears muggles and muggleborns[break]
- major ego[break]
- workaholic

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND


Not all those pure of blood are rich, although Salazar would much rather nobody know that his family was of meagre means. His mother lost many of his siblings in the early years due to malnutrition and stress, whilst his father worked each day laboriously as a wand maker. Like his father, Salazar was able to speak with snakes from a young age and often used this to his advantage. By his teens, Salazar had also learned how to read other's minds. [break][break]

In 990, Salazar and his then friends Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw decided to create Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to provide a safe space for magical children to learn a standardised curriculum and therefore improve the lives of wizardfolk for generations to come. With a talented wizarding architect, and the genius of the four greatest wizards of their time the school was made in no time. They created the Sorting Hat, that learned what each Founder prized among the potential students and effectively sorted out the horrible muggleborns that the other founders insisted on admitting. [break][break]

A few years passed with Salazar working with his colleagues, one of whom was his personal tutor from his youth - an ancient vampire that Salazar invited to teach the children under express instruction not to feed or turn any child. The professors each had their own specific skill sets to teach - Salazar worked with only the most gifted of students to extend their legilimency, he taught how to use runes (now called Ancient Runes of course) and potions. [break][break]

That is the last thing that Salazar remembers, the strain of his friendship with Godric slowly deteriorating for his fondness for anyone magical regardless of origin. He'd also just mastered his wand of snakewood and basilisk husk going to sleep when commanded in parseltongue.[break][break]

The next thing Salazar knew he was standing in a field with a strangely dressed young woman and walking in the general direction of where he sensed civilisation was. Hogsmeade had grown inexplicably grown three times larger than it had been when he had last deigned to make an appearance. [break][break]

It did not take him long to make his presence known to the current Headmistress and demand the position that he so rightly deserves as a founder of Hogwarts - Head of Slytherin and professor of 'ancient' runes.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE HENRY CAVILL


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Last Edit: Jan 16, 2022 10:47:07 GMT by Deleted


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