
Scorpius Malfoy


Fifth Year

I'm not sure if I want to grow to meet expectations or expend all my efforts breaking them.

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Scorpius Malfoy

Post by Scorpius Malfoy on Jan 16, 2022 21:37:49 GMT



Scorpius Malfoy

[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+But when there is nothing left, who can we believe in?





AGE 16

DOB October 5th, 2005

SEXUALITY uncertain


JOB fifth year

Played by Seph

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ Ambitious[break]
+ Nerdy[break]
+ Determined[break]
+ Dreamer[break]
+ Open-minded[break]
+ traits

- Directionless[break]
- Fueled by inner conflict[break]
- Stubborn[break]
- Non-conforming[break]
- Quiet Rebellion[break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Scorpius is the one and only child of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass. He grew up to know a loving home, up to some point. Scorpius is secretly terrified of his grandfather on his dads side of the family. He knows the man is unhappy with the choices his son made and he knows that he's expected by him to keep the bloodline pure. On the other hand he knows that his parents expect him to find somebody he loves as dearly as they love each other. He himself? He has no clue what he wants, but he's pretty sure that this massive crush he has on Rose is true love. What else could it be, right?[break][break]

That being said this little nerd found his best friend in the son of the man his father considered his worst enemy in school. Not exactly very promising, but there is hope, right? Albus is the most precious individual in the world to Scorpius and he'd give up everything if it meant he could keep his best friend. Both found the pressure coming from their fathers a bit too much and well, both for different reason. Scorp is just particularly upset that his father decided to be a teacher. He'd have liked his old man to delay that particular career path about... well at least 3 years. Like until after his graduation. A part of him is seriously starting to think about just dropping out of school to avoid the embarressment. How is he supposed to impress the love of his life with his dad around the corner?![break][break]

That being said, Scorpius loves both his parents dearly and wants to make them proud, even if he's unlikely to admit it out loud. That just isn't cool. Now that he's in his fifth year he's quite aware he needs to start considering a career for after school. So far? He is considering potions. The subject has always come relatively easy for him and he secretly likes the various fumes and gross things in the way only a boy can truly appreciate them. He loves the feeling of different textures between his finger and the art that makes something utterly mundane transform into something utterly magical. In other words, water and some random muck can change the world. His true ambition? He'd like to invent a new version of wolfsbane that is better. Something that does more than just manage symptoms. He's never told anybody about this though, not even his best friend. He's too worried the idea is considered laughable.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE Lucky Blue Smith


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Last Edit: Jan 16, 2022 22:02:16 GMT by Founder Seph


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