
Raghnall, Aldric | Complete


Hufflepuff Alumnus
Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Spirit Division

I have nothing to say.

Aldric Raghnall Avatar

Aldric Raghnall

Post by Aldric Raghnall on Jan 17, 2022 21:47:42 GMT




[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+I CAN'T IMAGINE A WORLD WITH YOU GONE





AGE 24

DOB January 4 1998

SEXUALITY Heterosexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE Hufflepuff Alumni

JOB Spirit Registry Officiant for the Department for the regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Spirit Division, Ministry for Magic

Played by ALI

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ Kind[break]
+ Quiet[break]
+ Chivalrous [break]
+ Hard Working[break]
+ Open Minded[break]

+ Stubborn[break]
+ Self-Destructive[break]
+ Defensive[break]

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Aldric was born on the English Coast and raised in a small muggle village where his mother was born and raised. He was the child of a single, muggle mother, and a deadbeat wizard father. His father had tried the family thing until about 6 months into Aldric's life and then decided it was too much for him and left. He sent money from time to time, but he never came back to visit. [break][break]

His mother didn't mention anything about his magic until his Hogwarts letter came. At first Aldric was furious that she had kept it all from him. But after attending Hogwarts, he came home for his first Christmas break and forgave her. He understood. it wasn't her world and she couldn't have answered any of the questions that he would have had. He and his mother maintained a good relationship to this day. [break][break]

In school he had been sorted in Huffelpuff and was a good kid. He wasn't the best at any of his subjects but he found himself decently average in everything. He graduated and went to work for the ministry. Right after Graduation, his long distance girlfriend and pen-pal finally moved to the UK. They got a flat together pretty quick and he helped her get work at the ministry. Life was bliss. [break][break]

Until she died just after Christmas. Aldric found himself in a state of both shock and sadness. His world had gone dark. She wasn't only his girlfriend, but his best friend, and, he was planning to start ring shopping in the next few months. Nothing could have prepared him for this loss. [break][break]

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE CHORD OVERSTREET


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Last Edit: Jan 18, 2022 2:54:59 GMT by Aldric Raghnall


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