
Shopping Spree [Kalia]


Fifth Year

I would shop every day in every store and spend all of my money which, you know, I do anyway.

Rosette Rosier Avatar

Rosette Rosier

Post by Rosette Rosier on Jan 18, 2022 22:12:01 GMT

Heels clicking over the cobblestone and designer handbag swinging from her dainty arm, Rosette moved through the village of Hogsmeade with her head held high. The sun glistened off the amber highlights in her hair, and her manicured nails shone a bright shade of fuchsia --- her current mood "eager". It was specially designed polish that was charmed to switch its color according to her mood. She had no reason to mind her feelings being on display for all to see.

Her eyes shifted sharply to a middle-aged witch who brushed past her, mumbling an apology under her breath as she went. Rosette huffed but continued on her way, polish momentarily darkening a shade of red to reflect her irritation.

She paused outside of a store awning, eyeing the window display almost hungrily. Nothing satisfied her like shopping did. There was always something new, something to catch her eye, something she just had to have. He weekends were best spent here, not holed up in that stuffy castle. She absolutely loathed study weekends for that reason. At least her schedule was wide open today and she could spend all afternoon browsing the shops.

With an impatient glance around the square, she gave her foot a tap. She'd extended an invitation to a 6th year classmate to join her here, one she'd only recently become acquainted with but who didn't seem to get on her nerves the way so many others did. Now she wondered if the girl would actually show. Rosette didn't mind shopping alone, but it was always more fun to have company.

Last Edit: Jan 18, 2022 22:14:13 GMT by Rosette Rosier


Sixth Year

I have nothing to say.

Kalia Laronge Avatar

Kalia Laronge

Post by Kalia Laronge on Jan 20, 2022 16:23:04 GMT

Kali was very much a material girl. Her father worked hard and kept her in the resources with which she purchased her belongings. She liked to be the best, and in order to be the best she felt like she had to have the best. Which was hard when her only shopping outlet was Hogsmeade village. The shops were cute and the village itself was charming. But nothing beat Oxford Street in London. Kali was a different type of materialistic. She didn’t want to buy something just to buy it. She wanted to buy the best things, the things that people envied, and she wanted to throw it in their faces that she had it.

She was running late that day to a shopping date with Rosette because she had let her morning Ballet session run longer than she had planned for it to go. She wasn’t sorry and she wouldn’t apologize. Her craft came before anything else. And she had to clean up and dress properly before she came out. Kali was always aware of how she presented herself. “Ahh, Rosette!” she greeted the girl, giving a small wave as she finished her approach. “Have you been waiting long?” she asked formally. She wasn’t sure she really cared. “Where would you like to start?”


Fifth Year

I would shop every day in every store and spend all of my money which, you know, I do anyway.

Rosette Rosier Avatar

Rosette Rosier

Post by Rosette Rosier on Jan 25, 2022 22:26:35 GMT

When Rosette heard her name, she looked over and lifted her hand to return the wave. She eyed the other girl's outfit approvingly, always one for appreciating an excellent --- and expensive --- sense of style. "Hey, Kali! Not too long," she ran a hand through the length of her hair before turning on her heel and continuing down the sidewalk. She didn't really mind that the girl had been late, she knew how it was. Fashion took time. Or whatever it was she had been doing. Rosette was sure there was a reasonable explanation but hardly felt the need to ask. She was here now and they were ready to start the fun!

"Hm..." she lifted a finger to her chin and tilted her head in thought. Where to start? She glanced to the shop windows as they passed before pausing at one featuring sets of gloves. She looked to her hands and pursed her lips as she decided. "I wouldn't mind a new pair of gloves? You?" 

Last Edit: Jan 25, 2022 22:26:52 GMT by Rosette Rosier


Sixth Year

I have nothing to say.

Kalia Laronge Avatar

Kalia Laronge

Post by Kalia Laronge on Jan 27, 2022 0:23:51 GMT

Gloves! Kali’s eyes lit up at the suggestion. “Oh god yes please, my fingers feel like they might fall off at any moment in that castle.” Kali didn’t really keep how much she hated Hogwarts a secret. But it wasn’t Hogwarts fault. She didn’t want to be in school anywhere. If she was a muggle she’d be able to have transferred out of school and be in a dance intensive full time by this age. It was perhaps the one thing she envied about muggles. Why should she be made to put up with subjects she’d never use longer than she needed to? “Fancy getting a tea later?” she asked, eyeing the teashop as they passed on their way to the shop. She loved going in there, if even just to overhear some of the new gossip from the students who usually took their dates there.

Last Edit: Jan 27, 2022 0:24:08 GMT by Kalia Laronge


Fifth Year

I would shop every day in every store and spend all of my money which, you know, I do anyway.

Rosette Rosier Avatar

Rosette Rosier

Post by Rosette Rosier on Feb 1, 2022 21:04:15 GMT

Rosette nodded in agreement with the other girl. "It gets so drafty in that old place, doesn't it? You'd think with so many brilliant minds they could do something about that already." She gave a roll of her eyes, long lashes catching the sunlight. She loved the whole authentic scene of Hogwarts castle, but she would prefer if they'd leave it at the looks and make the feel a little more comfortable.

As they passed the teashop, Rosette tried to hold in a shudder. Some huff-puff boy had tried to kiss her in there last year, thinking he had the nerve to overstep and make a move on someone so obviously out of his league. As if! But she loved their ginger lemon loose leaf brew, so she nodded when Kali asked if they could stop in. "I would. Sounds like just the thing." It Was freezing out here. It was almost tempting to stop in there first, but they already had a plan in place so she decided she'd delay the pleasure of something warm to drink, if only because a greater pleasure was calling. The itch to make a new purchase was growing by the minute.

She stepped inside one of the more expensive Hogsmeade outfitters and gazed around at the various displays until she saw the rows of gloves for sale and made her way over to them.

Last Edit: Feb 1, 2022 21:04:31 GMT by Rosette Rosier