
Auguste Benito Collingwood


Ravenclaw Alumnus
Lead Singer of Candycure

You'll always have my name to wield Be it as a weapon or a shield

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Auguste Collingwood

Post by Auguste Collingwood on Jan 11, 2022 20:38:52 GMT



Auguste Benito Collingwood

[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+son fuori di me





AGE 20

DOB Sept 2nd 2002

SEXUALITY pansexual

SCHOOL/HOUSE Hogwarts, Ravenclaw

JOB Lead Singer for Candycure

Played by Seph

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ energetic[break]
+ outgoing[break]
+ loyal[break]
+ passionate[break]
+ respectful[break]
+ caring[break]
+ protective[break]
+ gentlemanly[break]
+ driven

- commitment issues[break]
- temperamental[break]
- negative[break]
- emotional disregulation[break]
- chaotic[break]
- rule breaker[break]
- emotionally shut off[break]
- tendency to self blame[break]
- drinks and smokes too much

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Auguste is the child of an English businessman and an Italian Pianist. Both purebloods they found each other when she performed at one of the business meetings he had. She settled down for him, becoming a house wife and the mother to three beautiful little children. Yet his mother struggled in her new environment and had a lot of difficulty managing her depression. Her story.. didn't end well.[break][break]

Gus, on the other hand, had a very normal childhood. He generally speaking had little to ask for and could often be found playing his guitar while his mother played the piano. While his preference was the guitar his mother also taught him the basics of the piano through their many hours of making music together. For the first eleven years of his life, everything seemed perfect. His older brother went to Hogwarts, graduated and became a curse breaker. He and his younger sister cheered him on. After he graduated the pair was ready for school. Their mother wasn't doing well at this point, something that Gus felt personally responsible for. He begged his father to stay home with his mother, but he wasn't allowed. [break][break]

At first Gus was somewhat of a model student, doing what he could to keep his mother happy. He wrote her almost every single day and sent her sheet music from time to time to show his mind was still on music, as hers always had been. It was fine, until tragedy struck when he and his sister were in their third year. Their mother passed and their father became emotionally unavailable due to their heartbreak he suffered. Their older brother was away from home and the siblings only had each other to depend on. Gus spiralled without his mother, feeling responsible and guilty for her untimely demise. He started rebelling, breaking rules left and right. He sought his refuge in distractions and as he aged he snuck around with boys and girls alike, barely managing to graduate. He didn't manage to get the required grades to get into auror training as he had so strongly desired (if only for the sake of thrill seeking) and seemed to follow a similar route to his mother at that point. [break][break]

He consumed a lot of drink and practically was on the edge of self destruction for a while. Luckily his sister and best friend convinced him to try something else. They knew his musical talent was at least as much as that of his mother, if not more, and if he merely tried he'd certainly break through. He was hesitant, having kept his musical skills hidden and private, as the deeply emotional music he wrote was not at first inteded for anybody but his deceased mother. Eventually they persuaded him to at least try a single performance. Not wanting to go on stage alone he recruited a few of his musically gifted friends to form a band together. His father, swept up in his guilt over his absence, used his power and influence to arrange a talent scout to be there at his first performance. The scout was instantly impressed and recruited a reluctant young boy to the label.[break][break]

Since his start as a musician his career has quickly taken off, as his family name nad connections opened many doors that would have remained closed to many others. He represented the UK with his band in Wizarding Eurovision a year prior to now and managed to win, much against all expectations. Now fame and fortune awaits the band, even though none of them has any idea how to handle it. [break][break]

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE Damiano David


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Last Edit: Jan 25, 2022 21:24:25 GMT by Founder Seph


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