
Esio Bhelliom Rhivanon


Sixth Year

I have nothing to say.

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Esio Bhelliom Rhivanon

Post by Esio Bhelliom Rhivanon on Jan 21, 2022 14:22:03 GMT



Esio Bhelliom Rhivanon

[attr="class","nodenstop2"]+We never go out of style





AGE 16

DOB 14th of Feb

SEXUALITY heteroflexible


JOB 6th year

Played by Seph

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT TEMPERAMENT


+ Confident[break]
+ Smooth[break]
+ Family Oriented[break]
+ Loyal[break]
+ Negotiator

- Obsessive[break]
- Manipulative[break]
- Flirtatious[break]
- Non-commital[break]
- Ego-centric[break]
- Rebellious

[attr="class","nodensright1"]SUBJECT BACKGROUND

Life for Esio would never truly be simple. His father married a beautiful veela woman. They were happy together for a while, but it didn't take spectacularly long for his mother to become more distant after Esio himself had been born. His mother clearly had not really been keen on having children though, as she eventually disappeared. It (luckily for Esio) took a few years and by the time he was four his mother was gone from his life completely. He and his father were both unaware she'd run off with his best friend. At first, until she came back out of nowhere. [break][break]

Things seemed better, until they found out mom was having a second child. Dad figured it was the reuinion that had sparked this flame, but turns out he was wrong. She'd come back with the express intention of dumping the second child on him to keep her other relationship child free. Naturally he sent her packing and never spoke to the man she'd run off with again, even if they had been best friends before.[break][break]

Esio was mostly unaware of all of this. After all, he was only a child. He noticed drama, but he was preoccupied. Ever since mom left, he'd been trying to create things of beauty to replace her with. Cold and uncaring perfection was required, for how could something imperfect ever be beautiful enough? Mother was perfect in that sense. Beautiful beyond measure, but utterly cold and uncaring about her family. So little Esio collected precious gemstones and gleaming pieces of metal. He turned the making of jewelry of various kinds into his prime hobby. Everything he did was focussed only on recreating beauty. Perfection in such a way that every single detail needed to be just right.[break][break]

It was when he started Hogwarts that he first heard and realised that he had a sister. Rumours of some of the older kids having a niece. He remembered the little sister he'd stuffed deep in the recesses of his mind. He asked his father, but his father wouldn't budge. His father refused to share. Esio... didn't like that.[break][break]

At the age of thirteen, Esio decided that enough was enough. He would not stand for the abandonment of his sister. The closest thing he'd ever have to the perfection and beauty his mother had been. Why was she not cherished? He started digging and eventually found out that her father had died and she had been left to an orphanage. In utter outrage and a oddly uncharacteristic emotional outburst, Esio ran from home. [break][break]

Maybe it hadn't been the smartest move, but it had been his move. He found himself homeless and on the streets. After what was essentially a very bad fight with his father, the man told him that unless he apologised, he didn't have to bother coming home. So naturally Esio didn't bother. He just packed a bag and showed up at the doorstep of an orphanage after his school year at age fourteen, now two years ago. [break][break]

While he was placed in a different orphanage at some point, Esio has maintained the search for his little sister, turning himself into a bit of plague. He uses his abilities as a part-veela very much to his advantage and while he's charming and will certainly accept rejection rather graciously, he's aware of the effect he has on people. Aware, and very much unconcerned about it. He is a bit of a flirt, but anything but a romantic type. He is in eternal pursuit of beauty, although the only place he truly finds it is in his jewelry. Ever striving for perfection, Esio plans to connect with his half sister and wants to be a brotherly figure for her. Since he's never had a proper example? Well we'll see how that pans out.

[attr="class","nodensbot"]LOOKS LIKE Dominic Sherwood


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Last Edit: Jan 21, 2022 22:59:56 GMT by Founder Seph